Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jenn & Leo

I was supposed to photograph Jenn and Leo last November (I went to high school with Jenn) but it was the same time I came down with that insanely awful sinus infection. They live in Reno so we finally rescheduled and they braved the Nebraska heat and humidity for a few fun hours of picture-taking. Congrats Jenn and Leo on your upcoming wedding (Sunday!)


  1. LOVE the locations! When you photo Tom & Jess make sure you take them to those doorways...love it & love the new blog.

  2. Yay Anne! I just ventured into the DSLR world myself. You have a great eye, and I love-love-luuuhhhhve the picture of Jenn and Leo walking where Jenn is looking back. Adorable.

  3. I'm so glad you ladies like our pictures! Anne did a FANTASTIC job and she definitely has an eye...and is about time she started this side business!
